Chain relationships

What are chain relationships?

The way these immigrants came was through the connection of family chains. Although the Argentine state did seek to insert immigration with advertising in European countries, what most caused immigrants to come was that the workers heard that a person had a friend who had a cousin, who had gone to live in Argentina. and it was going quite well, that is, people knew about Argentina's possibilities through third parties. In addition, communities were created that helped the newcomers.

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Where did the immigrants go?

The majority of migrants stayed in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe. Immigrants were attracted to the cities, which caused urban areas to explode in population.

Although there were many immigrants who headed to the countryside where a quick purchase of a piece of land could transform into a fortune or a lost investment.

Jews in Argentina

The first Jews arrived in the territory of the current Argentine Republic during the Spanish conquest, hiding their condition due to the persecution to which they were subjected by the Catholic monarchy. Studies in this regard have been strikingly scarce. 65​ Precisely one of the most important cases of the persecution of Jews in the colony was the so-called "Great Complicity", in 1639, when the Lima Inquisition prosecuted and executed Francisco Maldonado da Silva, a doctor from Tucumán, whose father was Portuguese. A novel by the Argentine writer Marcos Aguinis, La Gesta del Marrano, narrates the case and situation of the Jews in the Río de la Plata during Spanish colonization. The Argentine researcher Boleslao Lewin has also dedicated himself to studying Jewish immigration to Argentina before 1810, in books such as "The Jew in the colonial era: an aspect of the River Plate History" (1939), "Jewish Martyrs and Conquerors in the América Hispánica, Candelabro, Buenos Aires» (1958), among others

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